Saturday 3 October 2020

Wet And Happy

 I woke up irritable and unhappy, my head was not in a good place and I knew that sitting on my bum all day would not do me any favours. So suited and booted for the weather we were off. 
Nico and Jezi usually walk first but as I hadn't seen Asha go to the loo first thing I thought the girls were best going first. Good thing really as it stayed mostly dry for the walk. Over the bank I saw the most ignorant dog walker I've ever come across make his way down the track, to avoid him I went up a little further. I watched as another dog walker with a black Lab came to meet him, and saw his behaviour was no better than on our previous encounters. The white fluffy thing ran circles around the Lab which was on the lead, the Lab's tail was stiff, his hackles were up yet this twit made no effort to control his dog. He did temporarily grab his American Bulldog to walk past but the white fluff ball ran riot. I swear one day a larger less tolerant dog will do it some damage, and then guess who they will blame? (I pray to god it won't be Jez!)
Nico doing the splits - lol
The mist came down and the rain belted us. But they don't care.
Another soaking for the dogs on this walk but as ever in this weather spirits were high, and they ran riot through the wet grass. Ian arrived with the Tasella girls just as we were getting back to the van and I'm sure they will have had a fantastic time too. 
I'm so glad I went out, I feel so much better. There is something so invigorating about it, I guess these love it so much that it brightens my mood for the day .. well the morning anyway!