Thursday 13 August 2020

Bring On The Snow

It's too hot again to walk so an early 20 mins in the field followed by the pool and then a lazy day. I must admit I'm pretty fed up. I just can function. I rant in Winter about their not being the wrong weather only the wrong clothes for walking ...well I'm wrong, this is the wrong weather. I'm told on Facebook that I should enjoy it. I don't see anything to enjoy. It's too hot to do anything, even in the cottage the dogs and I are uncomfortable. How can I get pleasure from something that makes me so miserable? It makes me lethargic, uncomfortable and sweaty. I don't get a tan, hell I don't even burn I get itchy spots ... oh and as well as itching I sneeze. I can't walk the dogs, though some idiots do. They give little thought to pads burning on concentrate or dogs getting close to heatstroke in their thick coats, and it's really shocking to see who is still walking their dogs, even running them on days they admit are too hot for themselves! (I'm sure you saw the Facebook posts!)   

Following my SAH last year my short term memory has been very poor. I get frustrated by forgetting to do things, sometimes important things are forgotten and I often feel I've let people down, but nothing comes close to last night. I left the eggs out on the work top ready to boil last thing and get them ready for Asha's breakfast. Just after 10 pm I put them on. Steve was washing up and I got all the dogs out, prepared their breakfasts,  (Just measure into the bowls) fed the cats, went out to save the growing veggies from the snails, watched the storm, gave the dogs their bed time biscuits and went to bed. We watch a program till 11.45pm and then the TV went off. I lay there thinking .. as you do when it's too hot to sleep ... we'll we could have Sausage and egg for dinner tomorrow. EGGS ... OMFG .... EGGS. Put the light on, ran to the kitchen ... eggs bouncing about in an empty pan. There is no need to tell me how close we came to a huge disaster .. believe you me I didn't sleep for hours for thinking of it. Last night I could have killed us all and that scares me more than you can imagine .. just one comment in my defense, I was not the one who switched off the kitchen lights and closed the door leaving eggs boiling on the hob ... but I did put them on. So eggs having boiled for 1hr  and 50 mis don't taste too bad according to Asha! 
Talking of Asha, she's bright and cheerful today again. What the hell is going on with her? Ah well .. a happy Asha day.