Sunday 16 August 2020

A Break In The Weather

It's still bright and sunny here on our hill but thankfully it's a lot more sane. Yesterday afternoon got hotter and hotter again, thank god it had been cooler in the morning. 

This morning blogger won't let me start a new paragraph without skipping a line .. ah well.

Asha seems bright again this morning and loved her trip to Llyn Cop yesterday. Going along the middle path it's less than 10 mins from the van to the lake so an ideal walk for her. To be honest I did the shortest route with everyone yesterday ... 10 mins there, some time at the lake and 10 mins back. Asha didn't swim yesterday, just went in as deep as she could and still keeping her feet on the floor. 

This morning I think we'll just do a circuit around the block .. not sure where the dreaded cattle are and of course Sunday is no fun up here with every man and his dog coming for their weekly walk. Seriously I've never seen as many people walking here as I have this year ... I must get a keep out sign