Thursday, 16 July 2020

More Misty Walks

 With mist not sure if it was coming or going I decided to take the chance and walk. I drove the van up to Moel Tryfan gate and look as much around the area as I could - No cattle, that I could see anyway!
 I didn't think Asha was quite herself today. She seemed to be plodding like a 12 year old, not something I'm use to with her. It was not enough to make me turn back, but I did notice a difference  today that warrants keeping an extra eye on her. Her stools are Ok and it's now 10 days off the tablets with a mixture of home cooked food and Fishmonger's White Fish and Potato diet. 
 After I took this photo all three dogs looked downhill, bloody hell one of my neighbours with his collie was almost next to me. In the mist neither of us had seen each other .. though I'm surprised he didn't hear me!
I picked Orin up and was just setting off again when I heard the familiar baying bark of the Vizslas. I could just make out the figure of one person and 2 dogs but for the life of me couldn't see which direction they were going in. For a second Ross considered charging up there, but bless him got no further than 10 ft and stopped instantly to my call. In the end I had to call out "Which direction are you going in?" It was John, not Rachel who replied and we agree to head off in opposite directions. Thank god no cattle and well behaved dogs all round!