Tuesday 21 July 2020

Asha Last Night

Asha has had us up three times again between 1.30 am and 4.10 am. As you can imagine I'm shattered. I have no idea what she wants but I cant take the risk of not getting up with her. She didn't need the loo and only had a small drink on the last time out. Asha has never been one for waking us up in the night, to be fair none of them do, so something is obviously troubling her.
Asha ate breakfast this morning and seems to be OK, I just wish I knew why she was unable to sleep so I could help her.  Plod on then my darling.

Edited -  A friend has suggested - Canine cognitive dysfunction. It is a possibility, poor Pepsi had it a long time ago but it never crossed my mind to be honest, reading this I wonder if  Finlay had it too? "(CCD) is a behavioral syndrome that affects old dogs. Dogs with CCD show behavioral alterations such as disorientation, altered interactions with owners, other pets and the environment, sleep-wake cycle disturbance, house-soiling and changes in activity."