Sunday 15 September 2019

Growing Into Her Mother?

After his walk on "MY" mountain the Cofi and his girls called here yesterday, and we sat in the yard having a panad. We talked about the dogs, as we would - his and mine, it seems hormones have been an issue there too, but Kasey and Bella are now in season. Though the dogs are pestering Kaiah she is still keeping us waiting. Which is fine by the way, the longer she leaves it in the month the younger the puppies will be over Xmas and the later into January they will be read to leave the better. For example if she came in season today and was ready for mating, say day 19 (she seems to be a late bitch) then the puppies would be born around the 4th of Dec making them 3 weeks old over Xmas. Not that Xmas in this house is a big deal really .. just him and me at home and hardly any visitors. As it stands now it'll still be the end of January before they could leave .. yeah that's good, but every day later into September is better.
Anyway I've digressed, Ian said yesterday he think Asha looks a lot like Tali did in old age. I really don't see it, apart from their features being dissimilar to me, Tali was so ginger and Asha is so pale. The the only similarity I see is the grey .. and I think Asha is more grey than Tali was at 11 maybe?  I'm not saying he is wrong, we all see different things and there would be nothing wrong in her looking like her mum would there? I did think a middle aged Tali looked like her mum, but sadly we didn't get to see an older Krizzie did we.
As regards to look a likes here I do see that Kaiah has a look of Sammi, though Kaiah has much more of the devil in her stunningly dark eye! I guess Jezi also looks a little like Asha did at the same age, but again its predominantly colour and Jezi can have a slightly harsher expression than Asha ever did.
So now we need photos to compare we go.

Tali and Asha at 11 years old 
Tali 13 years old 
Nope, I don't see it. Do You? 

Jezi and her mummy Asha at 8 years old
Kaiah and Sammi
The apple didn't fall far from the tree here did it!
Just that dark eye of Kaiah's giving a more mischievous expression.
But yes she has more grey than her mum!