Thursday 15 December 2022

Vomit Club Update

I think things are on the up, no one has been sick for 24hrs, though Orin and Sammi still have diarrhoea. Ross has decided he's not eating today, is he ill or is Ross just having a not eating day as he sometimes does? I'm not sure to be honest, whatever the reason the brown clown says stick your breakfast where the sun don't shine! Siska and Kaiah are over it, not that Siska was flat or off her food with it, she just vomited everywhere. Ziva and Zeus are still  flat, and Loki doesn't know what all the fuss is about. We still have no water coming into the house but thankfully the outside tap is still running. The yard is an inch thick with ice, not great for trying to clean up! If I disappear till January, please don't come looking for me!