Sunday 25 December 2022

Happy Xmas

Well I don't know who sent me this pressie, but my it entertained me this morning. 
Did you hear/see the storm last night? I got up and switched the router off just after we went to bed. The atmosphere was that intense that it interfered with the TV in the bedroom. Having never been a Jimmy Carr fan I can't help but love "I literally Just Told You," and we were watching that. To be honest you can't help but worry about what you forget when watching it though! Anyway I'm reliably informed the storm was in full glory in the early hours, I didn't hear it though! 
After cooking my Turkey last night I boiled the giblets with veg for the troops for their Xmas breakfast. This morning I just warmed it up to soak the kibble. It went down so well with so much meat and veg, I guess it had a lovely taste to it, though I'll take their word for it that it was a treat. Poor Zeus is still struggling to get his belly back to normal so he had to settle for fish. 
Yesterday was hard, so hard. They say the silly things set you off don't they, well it did. I was cleaning the kitchen yesterday morning and Archie came walking over the mopped floor, I told him to bugger off, he ignored me so I picked him up and found myself telling him about Junior and the "Big Chicken" obsession. I burst into tears and that was it for the morning, so much loss and pain, so much hurt, so many missed "Family" members, I exploded with grief and for the life of me I could stop the tears. Unable to get it together I was so worried about how I'd be in Mum's company, I wrote my blog and that helped, as it does, Steve found anything and everything to try and talk about during the drive there, though my brother has told me she was not happy that we had arrived late at 12.20pm. I'll bite my tongue again as she did say 12 - 12.30pm. It's amazing how, when others are more important, you can get it together though and keep it together until you can release it again. This morning I've felt better, I suppose yesterday was a necessity which has helped a little. When emotion is contained we can only take so much until it explodes .. 
The dogs have had some lovely gifts though Ross' chosen toy had to be confiscated due to excess noise - how odd!!! Loud and annoying without a squeaky toy, imagine what he is with one! What a face, doesn't he make you smile? Steve and I have had lovely gifts too, though there was complete panic when I found one gift was a snow globe, so imagine my sheer terror at dropping it and breaking it before I could get it to safety. I'd been reading all week about dogs dying from ingesting the liquid from snow globes and I drop it in a room with 6 dogs and probably 4 cats - yeah panic. I threw all the dogs out and scrubbed the carpets and hearth before changing my socks and slippers ... I swear, beautiful as they are, I never want one of those things in the house again! 
So like most of you it's now a lazy afternoon watching TV, drinking wine and eating chocolate. Happy Xmas all.