Tuesday 6 December 2022

Oh No Loki

Try as you may, you can't get a dog who feels well to slow down can you. Poor Loki went flying out into the yard this morning and skidded, now he's lame on his front right. At least Steve and I both saw what happened and we can only hope that he recovers quickly. He is dragging/knuckling the paw slightly which is obviously worrying considering his past history, let's hope this is just a little glitch. I can't give him any metacam as he's on steroids so should he need pain relief we will have to consult a vet.
Talking of consulting a vet, I asked this morning if Ziva could drop half a tablet. She was originally on two a day, but now she's on three, the maximum does. To me, it made sense to try her on two and a half, but Ken didn't agree and said she was best staying on the current dose. I guess that's what we pay them for!