Friday 23 December 2022

Happy 9th Birthday

Yes she's bloody 9, how unbelievable is that? Her daughter Kaiah has more grey than her! 
Nine years since the perfect birth, the perfect Xmas, but as I say every year, Sammi isn't really nine till tomorrow. Sammi was the last puppy born in a litter of 6 and she exploded into the world at 12.25am on Xmas Eve. Her brother born minutes earlier was still getting himself together when Sammi made her appearance. When puppies are born over two days I always give the birthday as the day when the largest number were born - in this litter of 6 it was 4 on the 23rd, 2 on the 24th.
Happy Birthday to Sammi Belle and all her Xmas siblings, Luna (Jingle), Bonnie (Holly), Stella (Ivy) Caleb (Nick) and birthday memories of dear Barney (Noel) who we lost this year.