Tuesday 27 September 2022

Shadow And Taz

Last night I had a call from the owners of Taz and Shadow, two of the puppies from Arya's litter. They had taken them to see the vet in Cibyn for a once over. This use to be hands down one of the best vets in North Wales, but after Jill and Neil retired, my how the mighty have fallen. Now you are simply a number, not a name there.  Anyway, the vet who they described as looking about 10 years old, told them on looking at Shadow that he had Hip Dysplasia. He manipulated his legs till Shadow squealed and concluded that the pup was in pain prescribing metacam for him.  He also told them that they had vaccinated their puppies incorrectly by only having one vaccine at 10 +weeks and suggested that Taz was also "stiff." He concluded that they should be X.rayed for HD next week, and that they would not be allowed in any training class or kennel with their incomplete vaccination. The owners came away in tears and were deeply upset by the whole situation. 
I must admit I'm seething, the arrogance and ignorance of him. A young ungainly GSD and he jumps to the conclusion of HD, how unprofessional of him. Then I guess they see the pound signs, and whilst we are at it why not restart all the vaccinations too. Who cares that more dogs die of an adverse reaction to Lepto 4 than actually get the disease in the UK? As long as you get your money! I wish I'd been there and made him look at the Nobivac website myself. 
Well I must go and see this vet, he will have to be my new vet because if he can diagnose HD in a 5-month-old puppy without doing X-rays then he must be remarkable and have X-ray vision. I asked the owners if Shadow had been lame, they said not at all, but that his untidy gait had concerned them, especially when compared to Taz who is more "together." Though I pointed out that I would never diagnose that their pup doesn't have H.D, neither could I diagnose that he did. They were honest in saying they do not walk their dogs at all, they have a farm and the pups free run. Well as good as it sounds, it really is not ideal, for muscles to develop the pups also need to walk. I suggested 20 minutes of road work a day, and natural muscle development and maturity should improve the situation. If they are still concerned at 13 months then X-rays should then obviously be considered. Following his diagnosis, the vet at Cibyn suggested the pups have X.rays now to confirm - again another huge error, X-rays would not be conclusive until the pups were over 12 months old. 
A GSD pup at this age can look bloody awful, though Orin didn't, Sammi looked like a cross between a hare and a kangaroo, by 6 months she had come together, but of course I was already walking her. Some young males are particularly ungainly and uncoordinated at this age, especially if they are on the limit for hind angulation. I have offered to have a look at Shadow for them and any help I can give is freely available, and life long, these are Orin's pups therefore part of our extended family. My heart went out to them both last night, they were devastated at the thought they may lose their lovely young boy. Someone really needs to take these young vets aside and tell them there's far more to being a vet than what it says in the book.