Wednesday 7 September 2022


PGD 1 Stanley Rhian Blanik Kyriacos. 2 half year old, gave him a good example of the breed, so very good not only for type, but profile and overall balance. Smart head piece, and scored well in eye shape and colour, used his ears well. Smooth long neck, well defined wither and best of top lines. Very masculine quarters, which were well covered. Good action, and ultra sound, gave him a second look in the challenge. Nice one. 
PGB- 2 Stanley’s Blanik Liszka. 18 month, B/G coming a good second to the best bitch, but then lost out to the reserve limit girl, even so she’s a winning set and showing so much promise. Best of heads, top line has strength and sense of purpose. All angles correct, easy mover, coupled with that extra smooth side gait. I’m sure to see her again. Well done.