Saturday 10 April 2021

What Is Going On?

Things have not started well again today, as soon as Asha came out she developed the same stance, head down and wobbly. I was still in my PJ's and freezing cold so I managed to guide her back into the hall. When she came round she insisted on going back to bed, that without having done her morning ablutions. (well you know what I mean!) I went to get dressed and then got her up a second time, she was better, went out and then came in for breakfast. I guess it's day by day now, let's see how we go ...
As most of you saw on Facebook yesterday evening Isla went outside, well she followed me and Siska into the front garden. My heart was in my mouth, especially when I needed to come in and she decided she was staying out, Within 10 mins she was back in and settled again. Last night we took the brave decision to leave her loose around the house. She was asleep at 5am when I was up with Siska, and on the inside of the cat flap when we got up at 8 am, and she still here now. The litter tray has not been used, maybe we are gradually heading back to normality?  The knot under her chest continues to defeat us and there are some small tight knots on her forehead. She is still eating everything in sight, looks like we'll need a loan for cat food! 
Just for those not on Facebook I thought you should know I got a 24 hour ban last night. Whilst talking about Isla I said "Boys are just idiots, apart from Nico, she loves him." That apparently did not follow their community standards on hate speech! I ask you????  I have seen that there are photos of all the "L litter" on Facebook, but I simply can not comment on them. Madness absolute madness.