Saturday 3 April 2021

I Should Have Stayed In Bed

As usual, I woke at around 5am to take Siska out. I went back to bed and quickly started to feel off colour. Restless legs is something I've had since 2015, but these days to a lesser degree. Accompanying the restless leg I was so so cold and started to feel nauseas. After about an hour I got up to make a drink and take some paracetamols, by then I was physically shivering. Eating the jaffa cakes was hard going, but I'm always aware that I should never take meds on an empty stomach. I went back to bed and within no time I could feel the heat burning through me. I fell asleep and woke up at 8 ish. Steve found it hilarious that I was the only one we/he knew that had had side effects to the covid vacs, as he said, it would happen to you! Yeah it would! Well it was short-lived and I did get the last laugh as we sat watching TV this morning and they explained that "Younger" people are more likely to get side effects as their stronger immunity kicks in. Ha! That shut you up Mr S! 
There has been some unrest among the cats in the evenings, coupled with a smell of cat urine in the middle room, I wasn't sure what was going on. Anyway, now I know ... a cheeky large black and white long coated male is hanging about. He was literally by the front door and made no effort  to leg it when I opened the door. This morning I washed all the cat bedding, finding where he has sprayed is almost impossible and I thought I'd start with the bedding. I think it's more likely the mats by the door, if it is I'll have to bin them. In the middle of my clearing and cleaning I heard Choo heaving, I grabbed him to get him out before he was sick. We'll you've heard the term no doubt, the bigger they are the harder they fall, well the fatter they are the more it fecking hurts. My foot caught on a vet bed and I went down hard. My left elbow and wrist hurt and are grazed, but worst of all is my right knee, not the knee I needed to land on like that. Given time and planning I'd have landed on the other knee, haha. I feel so battered and bruised and just as I was getting it together to do decent walks daily again I'm afraid it's back to the fields for the dogs for today at least.