Saturday 3 April 2021

Changes Are Happening

Our Ross is not amused, but as ever his character is second to none. A friend visited earlier in the week and we talked about our mutual nemesis, though in both our situations the person themselves decided to make enemies of us. Though anyone with experience of our world will know the situation was not our fault, sadly she has strewed in her bitterness for years. Regular "poor me" digs and remarks on Facebook are blatantly obvious. Sad really,  that she can't see the wood for the trees. Anyway we had a giggle about how Mrs Nemesis decided to constantly stick the knife in Ross, "Loud and annoying" was one of her description of him, "happy, confident and funny" would be mine. Having not see him for so long my friend was so impressed with Ross, she said "what an impressive bruiser of a male he is now!" I did warn her not to throw the kong, sometimes not having an off button is not advantageous. 

True to form Siska's coat is starting to change. I had been watching it all week,  as usual it's starting with a ring halfway along her tail. It's fascinates me so much, I wonder why the S/C pups always start getting their new coats from the tail? I've no idea about L/C's, it would be interesting to know. Like I said major changes ahead now.