Wednesday 7 April 2021

Asha Update From Siska

Great old Ganny Asha wasn't well again today. She stopped, put her head down and switched her eyes to blank. The big Blaniks stood all round her but I went away in case she fell on me. Mr S Came and took her inside and she was about to fall over. She was away with the fairies for a bit but then woke up asking if it was lunchtime yet? (It was only 10.30am) Mrs S phone Auntie Katrina and they had a chat before Mrs S rang the doggy doctor and asked for Viv and Tony for her. (Think about it!!!) I thought as I'm a big girl now that I would offer to go and get them for her ... and I did. I went in on the scales and I was a whole 10kg - Mrs S said I'm no tiny tot these days! Ganny Asha starting Viv and Tony tonight, they said they my help her brain from switching off like that again - it was scary.
(Vivitonin is a drug used to improve some of the signs of old age. It acts to increase blood flow to the heart, brain and muscle. It is used in dogs which are lacking in energy or seem vacant and unwilling to exercise or show interest in their surroundings. The effects of Vivitonin (which contains the drug propentofylline) include opening up airways and blood vessels, providing more oxygen to the brain, heart and muscles. Vivitonin is a safe drug which is very rarely associated with any side effects, and you can often help an old dog which seemed just to be "getting old".)