Monday 26 April 2021

Thank God For Photoshop

I was chatting to a friend who said one thing she likes about my photos was that I always considered the background before taking the photo. Well yeah I do - normally, but some major cock -ups here. Have a closer look at these before they were photoshopped. Post sticking out of dogs heads, vehicles and even the purple shit shovel coming out of Orin's mouth. 
I've been getting a bit of stick about Zeus. So many people saying I should keep him and show him, but we've made up or minds that he deserves more than cage to kennel to cage with a few walks and a cuddle in between. He's a great dog, not perfect but find me one that is. Even Mr Amazing lost control of his mouth in excitement. Zeus does mouth and that needs stamping on, he especially seems to get OTT with Steve, I guess I'm quicker to react and because of Steve's poor mobility it's easier for Zeus to take advantage of the situation. Anyway I have contacted Debbie at Welfare and she is keep an eye open for a home for him, I'm quite scared of advertising him and getting it wrong for him. I'm not expecting money for him, but however we find him a home a decent donation to welfare will be requested.