Wednesday 14 April 2021

Walk And Talk

Nico and Jezi were joined by Jamie for part of their walk
A walk on the lead off the property for Zeus with his mum and grandmother, followed by some free running in our fields. His lack of recall concerns me for free running on the mountain, but I must admit he follows Sammi everywhere, so it benefits him to be with a well-behaved dog. Jamie again decided to join us going straight into Zeus' face. Not helpful but at least there was not a negative outcome. 
A great walk with the young guns, Kaiah a little hormonal and asserting her authority over Orin. I left her to it. 
When I got home I absolutely fell to pieces, only Sammi and Ziva stood at the back gate waiting for me. I must have momentarily forgotten and I wondered where Asha was. The reality check was like a huge slap in the face and I cried uncontrollably. To be honest I feel we've had little time to grieve her loss and I hope it doesn't catch up with us later. We seem to have been on a roller coaster of emotions and with yesterday's great escape I feel we are still on it. Today has been peaceful, so far at least ... lets hope things settle now.