Tuesday 13 April 2021

Let's Talk About Zeus

 We have to face facts that not all homes work out, we are not here to point the finger of blame at the dog, the owner, the breeder, the breeding, the dog trainer or even the man next door so to speak. We are here to address the situation and do what is now right for the dog. I am not dismissing anything I've been told about this dog, every scrap of information and observation from his previous owner and other is crucial to his future. 
I'll deal with what I've been told and what I've seen as we go along. I was told that he is wilful and independent. Wilful, yes but I find him quite affectionate and puppyish in his general behaviour, saying that he's not overly willing to do as I ask just to please me. His basic obedience is a credit to his previous owner but as yet I've found his recall to be poor. 
I was told that he guarded his crate, I've not found that. I was told he didn't like his collar or back of his neck touched, I've not found that. What I have found is that he has learned that by waving his head about it becomes difficult to put a check chain on him. When I have time I put my hand through the collar and guide his head through with a piece of cheese, when I don't have the time I just get hold of him and put it on. He is used to a head collar, I'm not and I feel far more confident with any dog on a check chain. 
We were told that he had developed guarding behaviour in his home, that will not be a factor here as no one walks in. I hope he will not feel a need to guard me or Steve in any situation, but we'll see. 
When we arrived home with Zeus he had become tangled in his lead, we had no difficulty untangling him but felt he was uncomfortable, fair enough, he met Steve 5 mins earlier and me not long before that. 
I have not yet found Zeus to be confrontational in any way, he accepts that I'm top bitch, but again as a puppy would be does play up, sometimes he plays I'm not coming, catch me if you can. I don't play that game and I slammed the door in his face and came in. Stay out then mate. I do not trust him with the cats, or livestock but as you can see from the photo we are already making progress. Every day now will be a learning curve and a foot forward to his permanent future.