Thursday 11 March 2021

Spitfire Tantrum

Yes I took the twig off her but had to quickly take some snaps whilst she was still.
This morning Siska and I had our first big falling out. I may not have forgotten how horrid puppy teeth are, but maybe I had forgotten how "hard" bitch puppies are when compared to goofy male pups. 
I oppose of harsh handling, but I'm no pushover either. Issues need dealing with when and as they occur, especially with feisty females. Serious mistakes happen when puppies are not put on the right path and when unacceptable incidences are brushed under the carpet with the excuse of "they are only a puppy," well it can only end in disaster. I may be classed as old school where training is concerned but I believe in never missing the opportunity to correct or praise. I guess it has to be instinct, you have to have it in you to respond immediately and correctly, or it's too late. For me ignoring bad behaviour and only praising the good makes no sense whatsoever.  
 I think when puppies are tired they bite harder and this morning Siska had become grouchy but was refusing to let herself go to sleep. I picked her up onto the sofa and whilst I was stroking her she bit me on the inside of my arm, I screamed "Ahhh" and to further show my disapproval I gave her scruff a slight shake as her mother would do, but a lot less hard I hasten to add. She twisted round and bit my hand, I repeated the procedure so she growled and snapped at me like I was nothing more than a sibling. Spouting a few choice words I picked her up and held her away from my body with my hands under her front legs until she became still and submissive. I then plonked her back onto the sofa, she sulked and immediately went to sleep. Round one to me I think, I just can't imagine what benefit there would be to ignoring such behaviour. Dogs need leadership, rules and structure. Siska and I have had the conversation now, but she may need reminds as time goes on. I'm not a sibling, I am top bitch (be nice) and to live a full happy and free life they have to follow my rules in this house.