Friday 19 March 2021

All The Blaniks On The Mountain

It's ridiculous how unfit I've become. Too much sitting down and too much eating since December. The dogs have been out and have enjoyed their freedom, but just mooching around the fields has done me no favours. I'm really getting fed up of being cold too, it's been such a long cold winter. I hate to moan about it as I can't cope with the heat, but a few warm days are really called for now. 
Sadly Asha has slowed down tremendously, though of course she is nowhere near ready to be left at home. That would be damaging for her physically and mentally. Keeping going is paramount, but distances and terrain will have to be considered. The Llyn Cop walk is ideal, and I think she's manage Cwm Dulyn if I'm careful which track I choose. For now doing the daily circuits at home will be fine, but I'm wondering if the tunnel and boat quarry walk maybe a little too rough for her. We'll see. 
As I was walking I planned my photo, Kaiah stood on the rock with the boys surrounding her. Ross had other ideas and would not come off the rock to lie down. Ok we'll do it your way Mr P! 
Talking of Ross I had a strange conversation with someone this week. They wanted to inform me that the mother of the litter that Ross had sired was only 12 months. What? I expressed my confusion. Well yeah a litter out of a very young bitch and Silkenwood Ross had been registered ... My Ross is Silkenwood Poldark and has never been used at stud! The lady was very apologetic, but of course I didn't mind, I was happy she had come straight to me with her concerns and not gossiped. An obvious case of mistaken identity, but how disgusting that such a mating had happened. 
With no visits planned and no need to go out and about I decided to take Siska onto the mountain. This puppy seems to have no fear and was over the moon to see the big wide open space that we had travelled to. Of course we didn't go far, I do adhere to the 5 mins of exercise per month of life, but she did have an amazing time.
It's called "Mynydd Mawr" Siska, and no we don't go up it, we just admire it!