Friday 26 March 2021

Siska's Adventure

This is a captured image not a photo so it's not as clear but I like it.
You couldn't wish for a better "Teacher" than Ross 
Just love this, and I'm luck to have got a photo with no one else in it. It was so busy there.
Just after this photo was taken a young Cocker bitch ran straight for us. We had seen her and owner go left after the bridge a few mins earlier but there was no sign of them. She threw herself on the floor in front of Ross, you can always guarantee that he will be lovely, and he was but what if he hadn't have been? What if we'd had Jezi? What if the Cocker had attacked Siska? Lots of ifs and buts and of course as Steve pointed out a thief could have grabbed her and ran .. her owners were way out of sight by then!