Saturday 27 March 2021

Eyes Again

Orin and Siska
I have to talk about eyes. I know I'm encouraged not to, but I must! I have no idea why Orin and some of his siblings have lighter eyes than I would have expected. If either litter were going to have slightly light eyes you would expect it to be Kaiah's kids. Kaiah herself has the most amazing dark eyes, but her father does not. Had her kids had light eyes then the conclusion would have been easy, it comes from Merlot! So were does Orin get his from? Ziva his maternal grandmother has eyes that are lighter than his mothers, but they are still darker than Orin's, and with her colouring her eyes blend in perfectly. Everyone else here has pretty dark eyes really. Fransisco also has dark eyes, but I've never seen his mother so that could be a possibility. There is no doubt that under some judges Orin's eyes will do him no favours, other may not consider it to be so distracting.
Orin's eyes were already starting to lighten by about 10 weeks. I'm reasonably confident that Siska has inherited her mothers dark eyes, certainly at the moment there is no indication of change. Here's hoping.