Thursday 24 October 2019


 Asha has had me up again early this morning. If she needs to go she needs to go and I much prefer she lets me know, but why? She hasn't got diarrhea or anything. (by the way I know I use the American spelling for diarrhea - have done for years - it's so much easier to remember!) Anyway, Asha does need to go out, she needs a poo but I do wonder why she is now unable to go all night? Steve says it's becoming a habit, but I don't fancy ignoring her and facing the consequences.  Meal times hasn't changed and her food is yet to be changed. I guess we can only put it down to two things .. her age and that maybe she's so concerned about coming in for her carrot and bonio at bed time that she doesn't go to the loo .. or more likely a combination of both.
I'm really chuffed with the Titanium food, which Asha will now be getting mixed into her food too. (though I find myself singing "I am titanium" constantly!) These dogs are what we feed them, and though I can't afford what I'd like to have them on I think this is a great alternative in an affordable price category. Reasonably good on the scale of dog foods, the green-lipped muscle is a huge bonus, they all like it and none of those harmful artificial colours. I think even Bakers have seen the error of their ways and are removing the colorants now, god the damage they have caused just to make it pleasing to the eye of the humans, though I still would never feed it to these. Read about it, it's shocking. Some of you may remember Asha blew up like a balloon when she was a puppy after being given bakers puppy by a friend, the vet suggested it was an allergic reaction to the artificial colours. In an ideal world they would all be on Arden Grange .. but needs must.
When changing the food all I did after the transition period was transfer them onto the same quantity as they were on of the CSJ. It's worked in all except Loki, he has lost a little weight, but that could be for other reasons. He is generally a stress head and Kaiah being in season wouldn't have helped. I've increased it slightly now and we'll see what happens. I still think Loki poo's too much. Not such a strange statement honestly. I don't think he absorbs everything he should from his food. I think more passes out than it should do. I use to add Tree Barks and Live yogurt to his diet but he now gets Yudigest instead. An expensive upgrade but I feel a necessary one in his case!