Tuesday 16 April 2019

Spring Has Returned

Ok so there is some dampness in the air, who cares? The temperature is back to normal and the Winterly bitter cold wind that cut like a knife has thankfully moved on. Today the beauty of Gyrn Goch took my breath away again. The fresh new colours of Spring, the bluebells, the buttercups and wild garlic where amazing, the greenery was vivid yet still pale, everything was so new and ready for the growing season.
All the dog where overwhelmed with being back here today, it's been some months since we last visited the excitement and joy was obvious from all of them. I do feel sorry for the dogs who only get walked on the same routes, it gives me the greatest of pleasure to see these explore and enjoy their lives so much. If today has reminded me of anything it's how important it is to give them the mental stimulation as well as the physical exercise of the walk.  It won't be as long again before we go back!