Saturday 13 April 2019

Names Again

Maybe I'm being pedantic again but it's something I feel strongly about. When I give an animal a name it should only be me that has the right to change it or shorten it. Other may follow suit, but only with my chosen name change. It's mildly offensive, OK maybe annoying is a better word, if someone else comes out and calls my animal by a different name .. for instance as everyone know and the worse case scenario, Sam .. it's Sammi, or if you like Sammi B or Sammi Belle .. NEVER Sam! I don't have a problem at all with some shortened names, some come naturally .. Ziva is often Zee, Asha is Ash or even Bash and Jezi is often Jez, but never Jessie or Jess! But when Steve wanted to call Sammi by the name it was the only rule .. she would always be Sammi and not Sam. I saw far too many Sam's at Freshfields ... and the one that comes to mind first was a rather unpleasant chap!
The posts about our loss on Facebook have been lovely. 162 people took the time and effort to write a message of condolence. I've read every single one and sobbed buckets in doing so; but his name was Oliver, not Ollie, never ever did I call him Ollie and being honest it grates on me to read it. Ol? Yes I did call him Ol when I chatted to him .. but never ever Ollie, so why would so many call him that in the post?
Actually Ollie is a name I quite like, a name I would have consider using on a dog in the future, but now I'm not sure I can? As I've said before with multiple animals it really is hard to get the right names so as not to confuse the individual animals .. and the aging humans!!!