Saturday 21 January 2023

Walking And Visiting

 Having cats means I have to worm everyone here around 3 times a year at least. The last time I did them was in Oct, but I could tell from the cats that I needed to do it again. I hate putting chemicals into or onto my dogs but needs must in this case. I won't use all the new spot-ons I stick to drontal or panacur, I've used them for over 30 years and other than the odd one being off their food the next day no one has ever been ill as a result of being wormed. Yep worms passed in the morning poos, If some of these cats didn't hunt so much it wouldn't be a problem, but that is the nature of the beast! 
I had three lovely walks today, though I did find the amount of human traffic up there a touch annoying. I'm sure that it's busier than it used to be. Ah well never mind there's enough room for all of us and only one person seemed hell-bent on showing no respect for others. 
This afternoon we popped over to see mum. Steve is still not allowed to drive and wanted his car to have a run. The first time I've driven a car in about 15 years, I felt so low down .. and who put the handbrake in the middle? LOL The handbrake on my vans is always by the drivers' door. I had a long chat with my sister-in-law about her vegetarian diet, she agreed that often, particular the vegan products are really not a healthy alternative .. interesting