Wednesday, 18 January 2023

No Show

Tomorrow we should have been going to Manchester Ch show in Stafford Show ground. I made the decision over a week ago that I would not be going, being here with Steve is far more important. Having today driven to Tesco in Caernarfon I know for sure that I could not have driven to Stafford anyway, my back is still far too unstable for any long journeys or to be dragged about by two over enthusiastic GSD's!
Hannah has well and truly returned, and though her daughter can do no wrong, no one else can get it right! She's had a go twice at Ross for being Ross and also lost her temper with a silly Orin. Though Ross stood there asking "What did I do?," Orin is a different ball game and reacted with a "You can't speak to me like that!" There was a lot of noise and no more, but I will have to watch her. She's also giving Ziva and Sammi the evil eye and dismissing Loki, well she does that anyway! I really really hope that this is the last time we have to go through this, lets all wish Siska holds onto her season a month at least and then if all is well and good then the plan that I've dreamt of can go ahead. 
The tension between Ross and Orin has escalated to a level we've not known before. I've no idea what's going on between them but it's very uncomfortable. I know it's far too early to think it's anything to do with the neutering, but I am concerned. With Zeus here, we simply have to be able to keep these lads together. 
I've had another message from the owner of Bonnie, Sammi's sister who is likely to have DM. I'm not sure if she believed me when I told her that as far as I know she is the only one with the possibility of having DM in the litter. To be honest, as far as I know she is the only Blanik bred dog that I've heard of that may have DM. I know Maya was a carrier, but she was not affected, seriously with the good of the breed in my mind, why would I lie? The problem is DM can only be diagnosed post mortem, so you have to eliminate other conditions before you can come up with a reasonable diagnosis of DM. 
With so much chat about hips and elbows recently I thought I'd add my two pens worth on that. What I believe is that while we should always practice common sense with puppies, most genetically good joints will turn out good unless there is a major trauma. If there is a predisposition for weakness, then it can easily be made worse by excess weight, poor nutrition or trauma. Makes sense to me anyway. 
Last night Kaiah and Siska started at Ziva again, Ziva slept through it, but I did give her her medication at 8pm instead of 9pm. I must admit it's unnerving - what do the sense?