Saturday 14 January 2023

Ross And Orin

This morning was awful. The tension between Ross and Orin was ridiculous, my interpretation was that Orin was wanting to reclaim his position as boss man and that Ross was feeling very unsure of himself, though Orin did seem to instigate it they were both as bad as each other. What ever the correct interpretation, the growling went on for hours, it was worse than I'd ever experienced between them with a bitch in season. All I could do was stand between them and push one in the opposite direction to the other. Calling Orin away also worked, but I think shouting and screaming would have only added to the tension. I guess Ross smells of the vet and may also be showing signs of weakness, Orin would have picked up on both factors and needed to restore balance in the pack.
Life has been easier this afternoon, I guess things gradually settled. I knew putting them back together would be an issue, but here's hoping the tension is over and done with. I gather it will take about 6 weeks for the testosterone to leave his body now .. here's hoping I made the right call!