Saturday 24 July 2021

We Like Visitors

All the recent generations of Blanik's know Ian well. As you can see, Siska and Orin adore him. Orin was so cuddly today, and Siska gave him a love bite, well several. She just can't contain her excitement around him. The biting is generally better, but she still looses herself when she gets overexcited. She is such a happy puppy, full of fun and ready to take on the world. I'm not worried about the biting as she only does it to the people she adores, and of course we'll continue to tell her its unacceptable until she gets the message. 
With Ian here to help we measured Mini Me - 56cms. Still smaller than the average Blanik bitch at the same age, but I really think she will make about 57.5 - 58 cms. (Kaiah was 58cms at 7 months and Siska has 2 weeks till then - Maybe she's grow a CM in 2 weeks? ) Anyway she is now within the breed size so I can relax. We are entered at a breed regional event tomorrow and all dogs over 12 months will be measured - Ooops Orin is now quite a big lad! I should have thought and maybe not entered him. Being over the 65cms won't go against him at Champs shows but it will do tomorrow! I'll consider my options on the day!