Friday 2 July 2021

Evening Wander

Morning walks are well forgotten by the evening, it's wonderful to give everyone an extra burst around the fields. Ziva and Siska are waiting for Ross and Orin and Kaiah watching their mother as she finds something pretty revolting to do. Ziva and Sammi also went with Loki, with Nico and Jezi together as usual. 
Zeus takes his ball, it's his time to run free. I guess you can see the long line, but it's not attached to him, as you can see from the second photo it's still attached to his ball. He is so good in the field now and comes in without any bother. I still haven't done any formal training with him, all the learning he's done has just come from fun and the boundaries of every day life. He really is no bother. Yes, you wait to have your photo taken, you wait to go through a door. You go to "gwely" (bed) when your told to, and you come in at the end of the game. You stand still to be dried, and you leave the cat alone. (Don't you Siska!!!) Zeus has them all sorted now. I'm not expecting perfection from a young dog, hell his brother stood in the lake and wouldn't come out earlier in the week, but generally his obedience and behaviour is where I would expect it to be at his age. I try and remind myself that he and Orin (I'm not allowed to call him O any more - Mrs S doesn't like it) are still babies .. and though they look like adults they are really just big pups who want and deserve to have fun!