Wednesday 28 July 2021

Orin Alarm

 Orin's noise in the morning has started up again. Usually he sets off about 6.30am and continues till we get up. I've no idea what wakes him, but it's becoming too much really. He barks once, is silent for 2- 5 mins then does it again, and so it continues. I've tried ignoring him, I've tried screaming at him and I've tried covering three quarters of the crate, nothing helps. He had got better but the last 10 days or so it's been constant and between everything I'm honestly starting to struggle due to lack of sleep. I know they've had to cope without walks in the heat, maybe that hasn't helped? 
We are not the type to get up late, or early unless it's a show day. We get up at around 8am, which I think is quite a sensible time really. Orin never use to make a sound, but now he's really generally becoming a noise box. I can cope with noise, you don't have a GSD and expect a quiet life, but by 7am this morning I was threatening to send him back where he came from!!! We did go through the same behaviour with Dexi, I can't remember how we stopped it, I think he just grew out of it. With Dexi it was all about breakfast, it's  possibly the same with Orin really but I'm not getting up at that time to give him his breakfast. Funny isn't it, 15 years on there are a lot of similarities in looks and behaviour between Dexi and Orin - and he was 66cms at the wither too!!! 
Orin is yet to moult, he's lost a few bits here and there, but nothing dramatic. I know bitches are worsebut Ross and Loki both had drastic junior moults ... as did Nico and Kai at one point over the years at least. Strange that I don't remember Dexi, Mikey or Louis having such dramatic moults. Anyway with lots of shows close together I'm kind of hoping he hangs on to it now, he is lucky to have both the glamour of coat and colour. 
A photo of young Ross with no coat, one thing I'll never do again is show a dog so devoid of coat! Remind me I said that, will you?