Saturday 16 January 2021

Week 1 Weigh In

Geraldine and Pink
 Geraldine (sc) - 1lb 14 oz - Pink (lc - I think) - 2lb 7 oz 😮

Raven and Robin
Raven 2lb 5 oz - Robin 2lb 2 oz
Wren 1lb 14 oz
Some great weight gain here, everyone has put on a minimum of a pound, with Raven and Pink putting on more! Wren and Geraldine were noticeably smaller at birth, but they've smashed the normal recommended weight gain for the first week. Ideally puppies should double their weight in week one, of course it depends on the size of the litter. As we know the K litter of 9 were smaller and the J litter of three were huge! (Kaiah was the smallest of the three at 2lb 10 oz) But of course things balance out as they grown and Orin who was the biggest in his litter at 2 lb at one week is now a big strapping young man and Kaiah is a beautiful feminine bitch.