Monday 4 January 2021

We All Ventured Out

Short walks for all but they were happy to get off the property 

The boys and Miss Tubby 

No Asha's legs are no weak and bent, she still has great strength and mobility for such a mature lady, she's just stood on a raised bit of ground. (Translation problems A Boncan!) If she moves her legs back, she'll fall off. 
Nico and Jezi stood on the same "boncan!" 
Asha - back to normal after a little blip 
Kaiah in stance - no I didn't put her in it, it's a natural position for them to stop in. If I was "Standing" her for affect I wouldn't stand her with two posts sticking out of her back or with her front downhill .. LOL.  Still, she looks great 
We get so much stick from the "anti" show people for standing the dogs like this, they say it's unnatural. Well really? Just look through these photos, they nearly always stop naturally this way.