Friday 15 January 2021

Don't Call Me Fatty

"Move fatty" says Mr S. What Me? Well Xmas has just been, I'm not insulted! What? Orin? Now I am insulted, especially when he says Baby O has a  big fat arse. How dare he. Orin is without doubt a strong boy, more bone, more substance and more coat than Ross and Loki, but fat he's not! 
I guess I will have to watch him as he gets older, if he carries too much weight he may end up looking deep, but I'm not one for allowing them to get too fat anyway. Having worked in rescue I know neglect, and obese dogs are as neglected as skinny ones. You're shocked? Well seriously you shouldn't be. An obese dog is a dog destine to die young, a heart attack waiting to happen, a life cut short when an owner simply can not see, or refuses to see the damage they are doing. I'd sooner see a dog a little under weight than over weight any day. 
It's easier for a dog to lose weight than a human, well that's my excuse for being a telly tubby anyway .. but seriously we control what they eat, all that's needed is common sense. There is no doubt Orin has inherited some of his granny Asha's genes, he would eat till he burst, but I'm fully in control of the situation, and he gets what he needs not what he wants. 
So yeah Mr S I am insulted!