Saturday 23 January 2021


Sitting here in the new puppy pen, just looking, just watching as Kaiah feeds her brood. How privileged am I? She trusts me completely to share these moments with her.  I'm overcome with emotion, new life so precious so innocent so special. I promise to look after you all, to do the best I can to put you on the right track in your lives. I promise I've found you the best of homes, but should it not work out, as sometimes through no fault of anyone it just doesn't, know that I'm always here for you, this is always a Blanik's home! 
Like Sammi had earlier in the year,  almost to the day Kaiah had started to refuse to go into the box. With Sammi I thought it was the amount of crawling puppies in a tight space. These are bigger pups but there was still space. Anyway it worked for Sammi so we decided to introduce the puppy pen for Kaiah too ... again it worked. I've no idea why, but we go with them, more room for everyone, and since I took the photo the toys have gone in too.