Friday 8 January 2021

Snow .. Not Today!

Kaiah out for 5 mins this morning

 It's been snowing since before we got up, and it still hasn't stopped. Yes I love it, I really do, but today was not the best day for it. Kaiah hasn't eaten, has been sick and is very unsettled. She's having periods of digging and bed shredding and periods of deep sleep. Knowing we are well and truly snowed in I contacted a neighbour and explained the situation. He is on stand by with his 4 x 4 should we need him. I hope to god that I don't, but I feel better knowing I have a back up plan. Puppies die quickly in the cold, they would not survive being carried any distance up the hill and track. 
Sammi is doing great, though the vet told me to leave the bandage on for 3 days I've had to take it off. It had slipped too far back and was no longer covering the scar. To add insult to injury Orin was starting to pull at it. Obviously we'll keep a close eye on it, but it does look good now.
Nico and Jezi enjoying it