Friday 29 January 2021

Still No Registrations

Robin using snake as a bed
It looks like I'm joining the queue of people moaning about the Kennel Club. The registrations for the K litter had a turnaround of about 48 hrs. It's been 2 weeks since I e.mailed the registration application for this litter through to the department, all I've received is an automated e.mail informing me there will be delays. I tried to ring yesterday and got  through to an answering machine message which told me due to the increase in registrations it takes 28 days for the paperwork to come through.... but they haven't even rung me for payment. With Fransisco not having a British Kc number online registrations are not available, so they told me to fill in the paperwork, scan them and send them via e.mail leaving the payment section blank. They would call for payment. Last time they did within hours ... this time not a word! Ok, I knew of the chaos there, so I did it in good time, but the weeks are flying by, here's hoping they get it sorted soon.