Wednesday 17 July 2019

Derby Critique For Ross

 Stanley and Bibby’s Silkenwood Poldark of Blanik - Top sized male with good masculine head and expression. Straight when viewed from the front. Slightly short upper arm into a well placed shoulder. Clean topline, croup is of a good length and is well angled, Lacking coat. Short stepped when going out and slightly loose in pasterns, extended well when asked but dropped slightly on the left front forehand.

You know what? With the positive and the negative points I honestly believe she is on the money here. Yeah, I can't argue with any of that! From being a youngster I always said that Ross lacks forward reach and of course it's obvious to all that he carries his fathers coat. I can't say I've been very aware of his pasterns but his front assembly in all has never been his fortune. No judge has ever commented that he drops on the forehand before but I see it, not always but often. It's great to have an honest critiques of the boy!