Saturday 13 July 2019

Back On Form

This morning the little chap is back to normal. He's hungry, racing around and shouting. I have no idea what made him so lethargic yesterday but I was at the point of being one of those neurotic pet owners who takes an animal to the vets because he's been off colour for a few hours. A little self control, common sense and the second opinion of my husband helped keep me from rushing off with him. He really was obviously feeling poorly and though I have no evidence, experience would suggest to me that he had a raised temperature and that's why I got out the faithful hot water bottle which he slept on till about 4pm.
Unlike all the other boys Luther has only known warmth and plenty, I wonder if going out and getting wet simply gave him a chill? I guess it's possible? I also wondered if he'd eaten something, but then he had no sickness or diarrhea which you would think he would have had he eaten something. Other than he was off his food and completely lethargic there were no other obvious symptoms, his colour was OK and his eyes were still bright. Mind you when your little mad hatter doesn't want to play it certainly scares you.
Like I said yesterday it's unbelievable that after only a month in your life that you love them so much that you feel sick to your stomach when something is wrong. Steve is not scared to admit that this is a special little chap and that he is also quite smitten with him. Honestly if I'd picked from 20 kitten I could not have picked a better one ... so thanks to Gail for picking this little chap for me/us.
The photo was taken last night after 4pm .. Luther was on the mend. He loves his tunnel and here he has one of his favourite toys in it with him ... I will try and get a 12 week photo today but considering the weather I think he will have to stay indoors again today!