Sunday 30 December 2018

A Soaking On A Sunday

Thick mist and drizzle but no wind so in the right clothes not a bad walking day, though of course hampered by poor visibility. 
The hassle with the sheep is still ongoing, thanks to Scottish power! Though the wall is now fixed the sheep are just as determined to get in and to date they are winning the battles. This morning I was going out with the girls and four sheep ran out by the caravan. My girls where very excited at the pending walk, but bless them all three were very obedient and didn't even consider giving chase. It's so frustrating when you can't feel safe to let your dogs out on your own land. 
The three girls where delighted to get first dibs at Loki's new toy and shared it throughout the walk. Loki on the other hand did not like it and refused to have anything to do with it until the last few minutes of the walk. Here's hoping he takes to it as it's far more durable than the others and even looked luminous in today's thick mist.