Tuesday 25 June 2019

Indoor Cats?

This morning I had a message from a friend from my George Michael group of friends. She has 4 predominantly indoor cats and her fear of letting them out is causing some behaviour problems within the home. She was asking for advice, strangely this has been a topic of conversation between a lot of us recently, anyway below is my opinion based on my experience of living with cats. (Indoor and outdoor - Lux was an indoor cat for 4 years until I moved here in 1995) This was my reply to her....
Personally I like my cats to live as natural a life  as possible, going in and out as they choose. That is why we have a cat flap. I think behavioural problems can stem from cats being confined in groups in  small spaces, personally I've found the females cope less well in family units .. throw a tortie in there like we did with Tia and there's even more tension. But of course I understand that not everyone is blessed to live as we do, here is as safe as it can be I suppose; though we did loose Gail who was killed by a stray dog, so never say never. Anyway living in a less rural location I'd probably make changes too. I think cats need to go out, feel the sun and the wind, but when it's not safe for them to free roam what are the alternatives?  Well maybe a pen in the garden so they can spend some time out .. or the cat fencing around the garden to keep them confined in the garden. We had a feral enclosure made from it at the rescue centre .. it was great. I think indoor cats also need more human interaction, more games to play and more toys so they can be mentally simulated .. I'm sure behavioral problems stem from boredom and as I said being constantly in close proximity to other cats. Just my opinion of course ...