Sunday 23 June 2019


Last night I dreamt about Kenny Goss. Why on earth had he come into my mind, broken into my dream? I've not thought about him in a while though of course George comes into my thoughts several times a day. When I woke up I felt happy and relaxed .. for just a few seconds I honestly believed I'd met Kenny and been chatting to him again.

Last week I dreamt about Jasmine. Why? Again it felt so real and gave me comfort, but what was the trigger that bought her into my thoughts. It's been years since we lost Jasmine, I'm not even sure when it was .. maybe around the year 2000? Bless her she died so young and as much as I loved her I swore then I'd never have another pedigree cat. In my opinion she was bred to exaggeration, cats are just so perfect .. why should we tamper with perfection?
I wonder what brings these things into our sleeping thoughts? Why do we dream so vividly about things from out past? I could understand it had I been talking about Kenny .. or Jasmine .. but neither had even been on my mind recently, maybe it's just a way to make sure no one is forgotten?