Thursday 30 November 2023

Planting The Seed

Last night I didn't sleep, it never takes much for the wheels of my brain to go into over drive and sometimes even an off the cuff remark can become a major nighttime event! 
"When I peg it, you need to sell the house and downsize, get yourself something with less maintenance and have some money in the bank,"  he said!  Ahhhh What? I've always imagined living here till they took me away in a box. I lived here before I met him, and the house is much more practical these days, but I am 30 years older now. Anyway, I came home from shopping and told him I'd looked at the houses on the way down to Porthmadog and there was nothing that I fancied, so he just had to hang around a few more years till something came on the market. We laughed it off, as we do!
Of course in the dark of night when it's freezing cold and you can't sleep you start thinking ... "Will there be water here tomorrow? How slipper will it be outside? Will the coal man come? Did he take it in when I said coal every week now? Wouldn't it just be easier to flick a switch to get warm? Wouldn't it be easier if I didn't have to do the cleaning and carrying? Maybe a similar size house with a large garden would be more practical? But I don't want neighbours .. Oh no, so where is there? Jamie needs to be safe .. I could build a cat enclosure .. OMG Luther would go demented! I'd need two areas for the dogs .. and a job, yes I'd need a job and and and ......" and ...he wonders why I didn't sleep!