Tuesday 14 November 2023

Day 13

 When I got back from the committee meeting last night I knew something was different here. I told Steve that in my opinion Siska had ovulated, or was close to doing so! Orin was annoying and Loki marched across towards Siska's bed instead of going to his own bed.
To be fair the noise didn't start till about 7.30am, but it was Orin who was off first. Zeus left his breakfast and barked for a couple of hours. Loki decided to challenge Orin, thankfully Orin who was in the pen just raised his tail like a husky over his back and Loki was marched to safety. 
Steve wasn't up to going anywhere but I took Siska with me to mum's and Aldi so she was at least off the property for 3-4 hrs this morning. Now it will get worse, much worse, before it gets better!