Thursday 20 July 2023

Walking And Thinking

Walking with the guys brushed away the cobwebs. Ross is doing Ok after his course of metacam, thought he still hesitates before jumping in the van he is not holding his right back up at all now.  I've taken him off the nutraquin and put him back on glucosamine and chondroitin. I guess I shouldn't have messed about with it in the first place ... if it ain't broke eh! Loki was full of enthusiasm, but as ever tired quickly. His tail is pretty lifeless still, he is able to wag it, but it hangs weirdly otherwise so that must be an issue from the spine. I do feel sorry for Sammi she could go much further I'm sure, but we have to regulate the walk to suite the boys. 
Siska is looking tatty now, typical with shows ahead. I've managed to convince her to travel in Kaiah's side of the van, though it took some doing. They all always have their place in the van and I rarely adjust it, unless I'm doubling up or using the side crates for the mountain of stuff we take when we are going to a dog show.
I wish someone had a magic wand and could tell me what I should be doing now, make decisions is currently not my strongest point!