Tuesday 25 July 2023

Dreaming Of Cats

Another thing I thought about last night whilst I couldn't sleep were the cats. I'd sat in the living room on Facebook till after 2AM with most of the cats for company. I had really been taken by the ginger and white Maine Coon at Freshfields, but common sense had prevailed. I thought about Jamie, everybody loves Jamie, and if they don't there's something wrong with them! Now I can't really remember a life without him in it, he's been here since Dec 2009. I wondered if he was here with Lux? I wasn't sure, but after checking this morning, she's died in January of that year. Lux had been with me for 17 years, at the time that was most of my adult life, she was such a sweetheart and took all my naughty secrets to the grave with her. 
In those early years I had female cats, at home we'd had Tammy, Sox, Cara and Kissy. Lux was the first cat I had on my own, and when Don and I got together he had a female cat too ... Boots. Jasmine joined me later, followed over the years by Abi, Gail and Emi ... but then years down the line, 2002 I think, Steve arrived home with a tiny flea ridden, hissing, spitting feral kitten who was to become our first male cat, Billy. Now who remembers Billy? Lol 
During my first season at Freshfield (2003) I bought Tia home, and then Steve found another dying kitten in his place of work ... the stunning Oliver blue was revived and stayed. Jamie was next followed by poor Riley, both from Freshfields, Riley sadly died of FIP at 8 months old. Isla came from Milfeddygon Deufor (Vets) and Junior from Freshfields. Like Isla, Jimmy Choo was also taken to the vets to be "disposed" of, and Perry and Luther were kittens at Freshfields. Though I'd left Freshfields in 2014 I have always supported the charity. After Isla went missing in 2020 my heart was broken and a tiny little chap called Archie Stanley took it upon himself to try and help me heal. He was part of a feral colony trapped by Niel of Eebie Jeebie kitten rescue who I'd worked closely with at Freshfields. With Isla's great return, 11 months later our cat family was complete, until of course we lost R Junior last year.
So for me for the forceable future there will be no more cats, Six is expensive to feed now so with natural progression of time, I aim for four and no more in future .. of course with me, that is always subject to change. I would never chose to live without cats in my life, though as I've said if I had to I could, but life without dogs, well that's not something I could ever comprehend. 
Lux and Gail in the top photo. Tammy and Sox in the second photo. In the third photo, Isla and Oliver on the left. Junior and Perry on the stool, Choo under the stool and of course Jamie.