Thursday 3 February 2022

The Last Few Days

Sorry for the silence. Yesterday I had the chalazion removed from my eyelid. Apparently a quick and easy procedure, as eye things make me squeamish I asked them not to tell me what they were doing, just to get on with it! Put it this way as they took it from the inside there will be no scar ... yeuk. To be fair it wasn't painful, but having an injection into my eyelid was not funny! Anyway TLC from my little friend when I got home, the dressing is off today and give or take a black eye, it looks pretty good really!
Today we were back at the hospital. I have to be careful what I say, but put it this way, both the most important men in my life are now dealing with the same condition. The approach to treatment is drastically different, I fear we have a lot to face this year! 
With only field exercise over the last three days, I can only praise my canine family for their excellent behaviour, particularly in the evenings when we've felt little like entertaining the youngsters. As we've been isolating, we are now short on supplies, so I guess the guys will have to cope again tomorrow so we can get some food in!