Tuesday 15 February 2022

Siska At The Vets

I think I may have picked up a Winter bug and I spent half the night and morning in the bathroom. Of course my main concern was Siska. 
Last night, pretty close to bedtime I noticed a hard long swelling down the right of Siska's neck/throat. Had she not been sat at the angle that she was, I would never have seen it .. and Steve had check her glands earlier in the evening. There was no choice, Siska had to go to the vets ... thankfully Steve could take her and Sharon was on duty to help him if need be. 
They think Siska has an abscess in her throat, well as upsetting as it is, it's no big shock really. She is quite a liability, she eats everything. I'm hoping that something she was swallowing has caused an irritation and that there is no foreign body. They vet is very concerned that operating to remove something, or making a hole to drain it would be very risky as it's close to veins and arteries. 
Luckily, we were pretty quick in noticing that little miss was off colour,  she couldn't have been left any longer as her temperature was creeping up. (39.8 by the time she was at the vets) Let's hope the antibiotics and anti-inflammatorys are all she needs .. Poor Siska.  
Whilst she was there Siska had her first weigh in of the year -28.3kg - from memory about even with her mum at the same age.