Monday 14 February 2022

Siska's Off Colour

My baby cakes really isn't well today. This morning as she got out of her crate she went to jump up at me, as she does, she then squealed, but carried on outside as normal. She had breakfast but seemed very quiet during the morning. At one point Steve was messing with Ross with his kong and she went to jump off the sofa to join in, again she squealed. We've both been over her, every bit of her but we can't find what is hurting. She's been flat and quite all afternoon and this evening picked at her meal - that concerns me. 
Siska came in season on the 14th of December, so she's not out of the period of time when pyometra could be a risk. I've taken her temperature and it was 38.9c so within the normal body temperature range, she's not drinking excessively though ate very slowly. I've seen no discharge but I'm keeping an eye on that too.
Hopefully Siska has just jumped up and twisted something - hopefully she'll be back to her normal naughty self tomorrow, it's really not nice seeing her so off colour.